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Mental Health Therapy

What To Expect From Your Child's First Child Therapy Appointment

As a parent, you want the best for your child. It can be hard to know when it's time to schedule an appointment with a child therapist. If your child is struggling in school or at home, or your child's teacher recommends that it's time to get help from a mental health therapy professional, our child therapy experts at Think Happy Live Healthy are here to help. Let's take a look at what you and your child can expect from your child's first appointment.

Before the appointment, we'll send you some forms to fill out about your child's mental and physical health history. This will give your child therapist an idea of how to help your child. We invite you to be as thorough as possible - the more we know, the faster we'll be able to determine the issue and help your child with coping strategies. At your first appointment, you and your child will meet with the therapist. Depending on your child's age, they may choose to work with your therapist alone, or they may ask you to come with them. This is completely up to the comfort level of your child. At no point will your child be forced to be without you.

During the session, your child therapy expert will talk with your child to get an understanding of who they are as a person. This is a pleasant conversation, and your child will never feel like they're being put under a microscope. Together, your child and their therapist will work together to discover some issues, and over time, they'll develop coping strategies that will help your child thrive.

You're the expert on your child, and your input matters to us. We invite you to reach out to your child's therapist at any time with questions or concerns. At Think Happy Live Healthy, it's our goal to help your family and your child thrive. If you're ready to get your child started with therapy, we're here to help. Reach out to us today to learn more about our child therapy services.

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