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Think Happy Live Healthy

Maintaining Momentum

What a year it has been. As we have continued to navigate the pandemic, there have been many changes, both large and small, that have happened in our society. These changes can be seen in our communities, our families, and on an individual level. In one respect, the pandemic could be related to a marathon. However, for this race, we were asked to complete it without any training or preparation. We know there is an end, however, we do not know when that end is coming, and we are just continuing to run. With the pandemic lasting as long it has, many are feeling burned out. Zoom fatigue is real. Colder months can be tough for morale as it is and right now it can be even easier for people to have that blah feeling.

Many are eagerly anticipating receiving their vaccine and are trying to remain hopeful and patient as the rollout of vaccines can be distributed to everyone. This year, we have redefined what it means to be flexible and resourceful, however, are you finding yourself at the point where you feel you are running out of ideas? Here are a few tips that may help to keep in mind as you continue to maintain momentum and push forward towards the light at the end of the tunnel:

1. Modifying screen time usage- There are many ways our body shows us that we are tired. Increased screen time has played a role in leading us to feel more mentally drained, not to mention the negative impact on our vision. As the opportunity presents itself, trying to gradually reduce your screen time as well as your children’s screen time can be beneficial. Since this has been the main source of communication this past year, try creating a realistic goal of slowly trading in screen time for time spent engaging in hands on activities and enjoying time outdoors.

2. Providing self-compassion- When starting to think about how your routine will change when restrictions begin to be lifted, you may find yourself not gravitating towards certain activities. Have your priorities shifted and you want to focus your energy on something else? Are you at the place where you want to keep the routine you have going and not jump head first into seeing people immediately or adopting a new schedule? Everyone’s comfort level and timeline will look different. Keeping focused on your values will help guide you to make these decisions and feel less pressure if your plan differs from others.

3. Directing the narrative- Children are looking to their parents, teachers, and adults in the community to help them finish this marathon. How do you want your child to remember this time? Are the messages you share with them helping to instill confidence and model resiliency? There may even be family traditions that started during the pandemic that you want to continue having and allowing your children to provide feedback on how this could look like may help to increase buy-in and engagement.

As we look forward to the finish line, all of us at Think Happy Live Healthy are here to help cheer you on and provide support to you and your family. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at or call us at 703-942-9745.

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